Film Screening: Ninth Floor

Event Provided By : University of Toronto
Source :
Date: N/A

It started quietly when a group of Caribbean students, strangers in a cold new land, began to suspect their professor of racism. It ended in the most explosive student uprising Canada had ever known.

Over four decades later, Ninth Floor reopens the file on the infamous Sir George Williams sit-in. In her first feature-length documentary, director Mina Shum takes a penetrating look at the Sir George Williams University sit in of February 1969, when a protest against institutional racism snowballed into a 14-day student occupation at the Montreal university.

A watershed moment in Canadian race relations and one of the most contested episodes in the nation’s history, join us for a screening of this incredible documentary, followed by a Q & A.

What really happened up there on the 9th floor?

The film is 1 hour and 22 minutes.

Date: February 12 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Registration :

Format: Film screening and Q & A

Platform: Virtual – Zoom

Audience: Free of cost to students, staff, faculty, and external community

Author: admin