Black Boys Code


At Black Boys Code, we are inspiring a generation of young Black men to take control of their future and become tomorrow’s digital creators and technological innovators. We do that by helping them develop digital literacy and computer competence—the foundational building blocks of an educational path towards a career in the technology field.

We give Black boys the training and tools to create their own futures.


There is a real diversity gap in the computer sciences and other related fields. Our workshops expose young Black boys to Black male industry role models—living proof that success can be the norm rather than the exception. We show them that success in the computer and technology fields is a real and attainable option.

Our educational program of inclusiveness, encouragement, and empowerment inspires young men of colour to dive head first into technology.


We empower young Black boys to take control of their future by providing them with crucial training, skills, and tools to help them thrive in a digital world. Our exposure workshops, hackathons, after school programs, and summer tech camps are inclusive educational spaces that inspire our boys to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Website (Black Boys Code)

Author: admin