Prodil Houanhou Detained While Observing Arrest of Black Man

While walking to a friend’s house, Prodil Houanhou noticed a Black Man being interrogated by Montreal Police officers. Due to the growing amount of Police videos circulating on Social Media, Prodil decided to stop and watch.An Officer noticed him watching and asked, “What are you waiting for, to start filming?” The officer left and returned asking if Prodil knew the man being arrested. He didn’t.He then asked for Prodil’s identification, due to his bicycle missing a reflector on the front wheel.Following this request, Prodil started recording.

Per Prodil, Police searched his pockets, backpack and wallet. They also took his ID.They also told him that he would be receiving a ticket in the mail due to not having a reflector on the front wheel of his bike. Prodil will file a report with the SPVM concerning the incident.


Author: admin